Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Whats so great about the Auto Recruiting Platform's Traffic Packs.

If you have not heard by now you will soon. Auto Recruiting Platform is a fully automated system from traffic to sale. ARP has solved the #1 problem faced by 97% of all online business owners... Traffic.

As a member of Auto Recruiting Platform you will have access to the most targeted traffic available as your source of high quality leads for your online business and opportunities.

The Traffic Men Pt 2 (Phone Verified Leads Vs. Email)

The Traffic Men Pt 3 (No List, No Experience, No Money)

What can you expect from each traffic pack.

The magic here is in the numbers. Don, the owner of the system, is all about results and ARP's results are pretty impressive. While in beta, the system is currently converting at 20% from opt-in to application and 23% from application to sale. Thats without any human interaction at all. 
And it is still in beta... The conversion rate for this fully automated system can only go up.
Don's last system peaked at converting 60% and brought in 1 million per month. This guy is no joke. 
Do the math. The traffic packs are well worth the cost.  

Auto recruiting Platform traffic

Let me brake this down for you. 

Spend $100 on 1 traffic pack and you can expect to get...

  • Around 20-25 verified cell phone opt-ins
  • Around 4-5 Paid applications (20% of phone opt-ins)
  • At least 1 sale (23% of paid applicants) 
HINT: Want more than one sale per traffic pack? Do it the old fashion way and call / text your lead. Or have an ARP sales rep do it for you.

Do you see what just happened?

Your traffic pack just paid for itself and more. 

With one sale, you and your sponsor receive $100 each month in residual income. Not only have you covered the cost of your traffic pack, you have made a residual income for you and your sponsor.

Now when your first sale buys traffic and gets a sale... You will be getting $100/mo from each of his sales without the expense of his traffic packs. Now thats awesome.

You also have 20-25 verified cell phone leads to send to your primary business or opportunity. And if those people join ARP later down the road... YOU will be credited for that sale no matter who's ARP funnel they re-enter thru.

Thats the power of verified cell phone leads

Did you get that? 

I know its a lot to take it but the numbers really are simple. With each traffic pack, you will get at least 1 sale just by letting the system do its job.

Thats right... No placing ads, blogging, calling or texting leads.

With 1 traffic pack... You now have:

20-25 cell phone leads for you primary business.
4 paid apps that can easily turn into ARP sales
1 sale that pays you $100 each month. And you get $100 from each of his sales.

And since the system is completely automated from traffic to sale. Your first sale, second sale, third sale, and so on can duplicate your process %100 with no error. All they have to do is buy traffic packs and the system will convert.  

Now we know all the numbers so why play small ball?
Auto recruiting Platform traffic
This system has "leveled the playing field for all the small fish in the pond."

Here is how to have a fast start.

You get in at 249
100 goes to you sponsor
100 goes to his sponsor
49 goes to the company

1st round of traffic

You Buy 3 traffic pacts at 300
You get around 60-75 cell phone leads (much better than email leads)
You get around 12 paid apps (the best possible leads you can get!)
You get at least 3 sales for 300/mo

You have spent 549 total and making 300/mo in residual income.

For the next round of traffic, both you and your first 3 sales will buy traffic. 

2nd round of traffic

You buy 3 traffic packs (I recommend more considering the numbers)
You get around 60-75 cell phone leads
You get around 12 paid apps
You get at least 3 sales for 300/mo

Your 1st 3 sales also buy 3 traffic packs

They get around 60-75 cell phone leads each
They get around 12 paid apps each
They get at least 3 sales for 300/mo each
AND You also get 900/mo (300/mo from each of your 3 1st sales.)

By the second round of traffic, you have spent 849 total and making 1200/mo in residual income.

These are the baseline numbers with the system running cold and during beta. You can improve your numbers by calling those who have completed their application.

Guys, this system is incredible as is and can only get better from here. If you do not see the value in this, you should not be in business.

Now, how does the traffic packs help your current business? 

Well thats simple. With each traffic pack you buy, you will have a surplus of cell phone leads which do not join ARP right away. To each their own right? 

While ARP may not be what they need at that point, its clear they are looking for something. So your ARP leads are also leads for your current business or opportunity. 

And what a better way to communicate with leads for your business than through text messages! If you think about it, how often do you read your text messages as soon as you get them compared to how often you read your email? 

There is finally a system where traffic and duplication is made easy. Isn't that is 99% of the struggle? 

This is only the tip of the iceberg. Do yourself the favor and see it for yourself. Get started right now by clicking the image below.