Tuesday, August 27, 2013

ARP - Auto Recruiting Platform Update

Whats is going on with Auto Recruiting Platform.

auto recruiting platform review

I just got off the phone with my sponsor and the owner of Auto Recruiting Platform. Since I do not attend many of the calls that they have… (I will not miss anymore, I tell you that!) – they were filling me in on what is new and what is coming with Auto Recruiting Platform. I can honestly say that I am pumped up about what I was told and what is happening with the company.

If you do not know … auto recruiting platform is a system that is designed to get you sales for your current business opportunity. Much like how the old VSN was for Empower Network and other companies that Viral Success Network offered assistance with. The owner of ARP has been working on this system for over 4 years now. Getting the right legal stuff done so this system can be used and sold in over 200 countries world wide.
Notice I am not flooding this post with images or !!!!!!!!!!! exclamation points or any exaggerated verbiage. 
If you cannot see the value in what I just said, you are either a newbie in marketing or just don’t get it. 

You notice a lot of companies are only available in a few countries. Wake Up Now (a company I am in and enjoy) is only available in about 10 countries.

Yes, they are expanding, but still not available in as many places as Auto Recruiting Platform.

I am not going to go down the list of other marketing companies that only have limited reach around the world. But you get the point. The less countries you have to market to, the less chance of success you will have.

This is a numbers game after all, right?

What Do I Like About Auto Recruiting Platform?

What Makes ARP Stand Out?

  • Merchant Account system for payment
  • State of the art funnel system
  • Multiple company funnel systems
  • Great compensation plan that is fair for all
  • Top of the line back office
  • Top of the line owner and operator
Lets briefly discuss each bullet point. This is MY personal view on the things that I like about auto recruiting platform and what makes ARP stand out for me. These things may not matter to you but I think these are VERY important. If you think they do not matter, you may not know what you are doing in marketing or you are just new. In that case … be glad you met me.

Merchant Account system for payment

auto recruiting platform

There is no middle man with auto recruiting system. You are asked to set up a merchant account and connect your bank account with it. There is no charge to do this for now and I already have mine setup. It was rather easy to do and not much of a head ache at all. You have videos in the back office that clearly explain how to set it up.

The POINT of setting up your own merchant account is so you get paid AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! You usually will get paid within 24 hours of signing someone up and you have under 3 percent of a fee for the transfer.

That means LOW FEES and you keep most of the money you make. Unlike other systems where they keep a large percentage of the sale.

This also means no waiting for checks in the mail, no check cashing fees, no worries that your check will not come or get stolen. You get paid directly, digitally in to your bank account.

State of the art funnel system

You know what a funnel is, right? You get leads, send them to a funnel and get sales. In the most basic sense. You get tons of leads by using a capture page. Then you send them to a sales video. The series of sales videos is the funnel. Having a good funnel is ESSENTIAL to success online.

Do yourself a favor and watch the video below and see what a good sales funnel looks like.

Then tell me … have you ever seen a funnel like this?

Auto recruitment platform funnel


When was the last time you had a funnel system like that?

You did the entire funnel, right? Not just the opt in video. You went and did the paid application too, right? Yes, I said PAID application. You must PAY to apply to be apart of this company. Why? Because we only want serious marketers and not the type of person who will just quit in a month when they are not handed their first three sales, like everyone seems to expect these days.

The PAID application fee weeds out the weak and creates the strong. It separates the newbies from the experienced marketers and it ensures you are getting a good team mate.

That is why there is a paid application and I love it!

Multiple company funnel systems

auto recruiting platform

You saw the quality of the above funnel, right? Well. The same people who created that are creating a funnel with the same style and power, for about every single ‘bigger name’ online business marketing opportunity. Wake Up Now, Xplocial, Empower Network, Pure Leverage and whatever else is out there that has a bigger name and decent following.

ARP is going to create funnels for each and every one of those!

So not only can you use ARP and earn commissions reselling the product, the product will help you get sales with your OTHER business opportunities.

Auto Recruiting Platform is capable of being your primary business opportunity, but is NOT required to be. It will HELP your primary business opportunity. So technically you do not even have to resell this for it to be a success. You can just use what it offers.


Great compensation plan that is fair for all

auto recruiting plafform

Yeah … don’t worry. It is not crazy complex like a few of those you see in the screen shot above.

It is simple.

You get 100 dollars per sale you make.Your sponsor gets 100 dollars per sale you make.

That also means … if someone on YOUR down line gets a sale. YOU get 100 dollars from it.
If you sign up 10 people, you are making 1000 dollars per month. 
If those 10 people each get ONE PERSON on their team. You get 1000 dollars per month. 
If those 10 people each get TEN PEOPLE … you are making 11,000 dollars per month.
Not bad right?

This is why we are so serious about the paid application, the actual application itself to get in (survey system) and the admin approval of the survey. We do NOT WANT tire kickers or newbie marketers in here. We want TOP NOTCH players in the game who are ready to make some serious cash and explode their other business opportunities to the next level.

The compensation plan that ARP has … ensures that you take care of your down line. Because each person is worth 100 dollars and anyone THEY bring in is worth 100 dollars. Everyone is happy and everyone STAYS IN the system. Because there is a LOT of money going on.

Top of the line back office

I have made the screen shot super tiny and scrunched up … so you cannot see the whole thing and there is some sensitive information I had to censor. But, you can see the header with each icon.

Well, each icon takes you to a new page with tools and everything you need to get started. The back office WORKS properly and feels like you are driving a luxury car.

auto recruiting platform back office

A good back office means a lot to me. I am not sure where you rank a back office, but if it looks like crap, performs like crap, your life is going to be more difficult.

I have had bad back offices! It sucks! You know it does!

The main thing to me is … how can I feel good promoting something to someone that has a crappy back office??! How can I feel comfortable pitching something to someone if it looks like poo?!?! lol

This thing feels like a Rolls Royce when you are in the back office. I love logging in and it makes me feel proud to be apart of this company. Like the feeling you get when you put on a new outfit that looks nice. It just feels great to have a good back office and something you can show people and feel pride.

Here is one part of the back office I did want to show you. An area for good tools you can use.
auto recruiting platform tools

Each section has a long list of tools you can use, specific to the category name.

This is not even really a “marketing training” type of business opportunity, but auto recruiting platform tries to cover all the basis. Tries to get you the tools you need to succeed. But like we have been talking about. This is not for newbies or lazy people.

So if you come in here with your already good work ethic and marketing experience … you will have amazing results with ARP.

Top of the line owner and operator

I love the owner. He cares about the company. He has been working on it for YEARS and we are finally close to an official launch.

I have a feeling that he wants to take care of us all and wants everyone to make LOTS of money with ARP.

But don’t take my word for it … click the link below and see Don for yourself.

auto recruiting platform

join auto recruiting platform